Target Farming Reports

Grow Your Listing Inventory with data-driven Target Farming Reports. Mailed directly to tax roll homeowners based on individual streets, subdivisions or condos and designed to establish you as the Local Real Estate Expert.

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Example Report with callouts

    What's On A Report?

  • A. Dynamic Neighborhood/Area Name

    Prominent placement of their neighborhood’s name captures homeowner attention.

  • B. Customizable Background Photo

    Several photo options to choose from, or you may provide your own.

  • C. Agency or Personal Branding

    Feature your agency’s logo or provide a personal one to set yourself apart.

  • D. Customizable Letter to The Homeowner

    A pre-written, fully-editable letter provides valuable market news to homeowners.

  • E. Agent Contact Information and Headshot

    Your face and contact information are front and center with homeowners.

  • F. Home Value Estimator

    FREE real-time lead generation tool, requiring no personal information from the homeowner!

  • G. Featured Sales

    Highlights sales activity that has taken place in the homeowner’s neighborhood or other similar neighborhoods.

  • H. Featured Property Listings

    Showcase your available listings, solds, or those within your agency.

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Prepared, Printed, and Mailed for You

Don’t waste your valuable time editing property descriptions, uploading photos, or compiling data. Our data-driven Target Farming Reports are prepared, printed, and mailed on you or your team’s behalf every 60 days to tax roll addresses. This process keeps you consistently in front of homeowners and establishes awareness and trust of your brand while saving you time and money.

Neighborhood Exclusivity

Once you’ve confirmed the neighborhoods you wish to target, the areas are exclusively yours and will never be available to another agent while you’re mailing our reports.

Relevance Over Radius

Through merging Tax Roll and MLS data, Target Farming Reports feature sales activity unique to the street, subdivision or condo; not just a general radius. This makes your reports valuable to homeowners and highlights your expertise within their neighborhood. Reports also include customizable content and the ability to feature up to six active listings.

Real-Time Leads

How many leads can you handle? Receive real-time leads straight to your inbox using our free Home Value Estimator feature available on Target Farming Reports. This strong call-to-action prompts the homeowner to visit, where they’ll receive a complimentary home value analysis, surrounding market activity, and the ability to contact you directly without competition from other agents. No inputting of personal information is required by the homeowner! Instead, they’ll simply enter in a unique code, and you’ll immediately be notified with their contact information.

Professional Branding

We incorporate the look and feel of your brand (individual agent(s) or agency) to support consistent brand awareness and reinforcement.

Reserve your exclusive area today!
Example of website and postcard. 'View a demo a and enter code: AC-VH-CD'

Get More Listings!

with Real-Time Leads

Everyone wants to know the value of their home, but they don’t want to provide personal information to obtain it.

Luckily, they don’t have to, because we have MLS and Tax Roll Data. Homeowners are sent a personalized code providing access to information about their home value.

For every code entered, agents receive real-time leads that include the homeowner’s email address, phone number, or both.

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Our Farming Process

We Prepare, Print, and Mail For You!

Step 1

Mail Reports To Exclusive Neighborhoods Every 60 Days for Optimal Results

The most successful real estate agents develop their business in a specific area or market demographic by “farming” for business leads. The best method for doing this is consistently sending quality marketing pieces that educate homeowners. Doing this properly takes time and resources, which can distract from your effort to follow up and close leads. At RSP, we use MLS and tax roll data to prepare, print, and mail neighborhood-exclusive reports on your behalf around the world, providing homeowners with information on sales activity unique to their street, subdivision, or condo. Reports are mailed every 60 days to a specific geographic area, branding you as the neighborhood expert.

Step 2

Reinforce Your Brand

We offer Just Listed / Just Sold Postcards and Ready to Move Postcards to grow your sphere. These products keep you top-of-mind with homeowners while building up your credibility.

Step 3

Follow Up with Instant Real-Time Leads

Since we do the work, you’ll have time to spend following up with real-time leads produced from our Home Value Estimator lead generation tool, free on all reports and Just Listed/Just Sold postcards. For tips on how to do this, refer to our Best Practices Guide.

Trusted By Top Agencies
For More Than 20 Years